Monday, October 19, 2009

Division 1 @ Mountain View - Oct 18

First time in Division1!!

My first three games were with Jerry Lerman, John Karris and Kevin Fraley -- lot of fun. :)

Ended up with 2-4, but my rating hasn't dropped a whole lot -- apparently that was what was expected of me. :)

Bingos played

Words missed

Game 1 - John
John was still talking about my winning streak, and after a close victory, it continued.

Game 2 - Jerry
I gave Jerry a hard fight, was close. In hindsight, the ENALASE* try gave it away. Lost the game by 3 points after going out with a bingo.
phonies - ENALASE* (challenged off)

Game 3 - Kevin
Kevin got a triple-triple down but I was not too far behind until he played another bingo towards the end and I missed my triple-triple of HEMOCOEL! That would have been something. But the triple-triple play was really awesome.
phonies - URALIDES* (challenged off)

Game 4 - Alan
Missed some OUT words with two blanks!! Also missed a bunch of bingos at the beginning of the game.
bingos played - ANTSIER, LATINOS

Game 5 - Isaac
All my games were so far behind (probably because I had to set up my computer in between, and the recount of game2). But I was kind of stressed, and among other things that were lined up for after the games, I was pretty much switched off after game4. In this game, the PORGY move probably cost me the whole game!

Game 6 - Paula
I was so switched off by now. I was just playing something randomly.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Romp at Berkeley - Oct 4

Berkeley has really been my lucky venue.. 3 wins out of 3 there so far. I managed to stay undefeated again: 6-0. The win was pleasing, definitely, but I did miss a ton of bingos - need to brush up on them.

In the previous tournament at Mountain View, I had played 11 out of 12 blanks in 6 games. This time, I played a blank early in game 1 and another blank late in game 4. That is it! 2 out of 12 for the round. Considering that, very happy with the 6-0 scoreline. And then, I was able to put down words like RAISONNE. :) Was good to put it down.

One thing for sure, no fear of losing, and no fear of unknown players. I just played my game, took one game at a time, did not play stupid phonies and relaxed.

Bingos played

Words missed

Game 1 - KC
On my first turn, had PREMOLAR/PREMORAL -- missed it. I drew well after missing that, and just took off. Did not make too many mistakes after missing the bingo in the first move. The game lasted 12 moves!! and had 6 bingos! I almost hit 500 points! Almost. So close yet so far -- did not even touch 400 in the rest of the games. I wonder how long before I get another 500-point game. The wait is killing me.

Game 2 - Andrea
Again, missed a bingo on my first turn - MONORAIL. Was thinking about MOONLIER* and MOORLINE* but did not play any of them. When she got MASQUE down, I was pretty much out trailing by 40 points. My only chance was to gamble on an N. I played off an A and picked up the N! I could get my bingo down on the penultimate turn but she couldn't and I won the game.
bingos played - ROULADE, ATINGLE

Game 3 - Alan
Missed yet a few more bingos on my second turn - MASTODON (I know that word!) and STOMODEA (of course I had no idea that was a word). Alan took the lead with a bingo in his first turn, and I was playing catch up. He played a phony CHEMA* on his second turn and I let it go. Had a chance to play 10-letter word SCHEMATIZE but didn't spot it. :)  Just when I seemed to catch up, Alan used his second blank to score a bingo and go up by 70 points again.  While Alan was making small plays, I slowly caught up. There was one hot spot for X which I was hoping he didn't score off and I staved that off successfully. I got to within 14 points of Alan when I had GRISTED* on my rack. I wasn't sure if that was a word but it sounded good - it also opened up the triple for him, so, I thought maybe he would let it go. I played the phony GRISTED* and to my surprise, not even a hold on it! I got some nice bonus points. He used the G to play JAGG on the triple score for 63 points,  but by that time I got a slender lead of 2 points. And then I drew the X and score some 35+ points off it. I just managed to come up tops in this game! GRISTED* was a gamble, but the comeback was good. Two come from behind victories in a row.
phonies - CHEMA*, GRISTED*

Game 4 - Bennett
Game with Bennett is mostly game of phonies. :) I started with MAUDE* and he played SHAKEnED* for 67 points. 67 points too little to challenge I thought and let it go. Also, it opened up the triple for me. If he had got another bingo on his next turn I would have really been down. I had FRISE and FRISES but wasn't sure about FRISES, so, played ORRISES instead on the triple. I barely managed to be within 20 odd points when he played LAVA to open a bingo row for me.  I played RINSABLE, and also won a turn on his challenge. And I drew the blank on that play. I knew it would be smooth sailing from then on. Played off the P to score another bingo on my next turn. Bennett played yet another phony UNEDIT* and I let it go again.  But I had enough lead to eke out a 56-point win.

Game 5 - Paula
My knack for not being able to spot bingos came to the fore again in this match. On my 3rd turn I had INCLOSE/CINEOLS on my rack. I was thinking about INCLOSE but wasn't sure. Next turn I had INFIDELS/INFIELDS -- didn't see them. And on a 3rd consecutive turn! I had PINOLES/EPSILON. I was thinking about PINOLES, but EPSILON didn't even occur! Three turns of missing bingos, and I surely deserved to lose after so many mistakes. But I got lucky two turns later, and was able to put down RAISONNE. Nice word -- like it. :) I had a slender lead at this point, after her Z play and triple word play that opened a bingo for me. But on my next turn I got lucky with the J draw for the hot spot, and took a 40-point lead. Knew it was going to be a scrap. She played MAnACLE for a 20+ point lead, putting the first blank down. I wasn't sure of the word, but I just used the triple word score to get close with her. The second blank was still out there, and I thought that she must have drawn it after her bingo play. After exchanging a few punches, I played EYER on the triple for a 2-point lead. She held the play for a long while. I though she was looking for the bingo, but she was trying to block my bingo. Actually, I hadn't even spotted my EUGENIAS! She played GROVEL to give me GROVELING on the triple for 42 points. She played her Q to get even with me, and by this time she had the blank as well. I was left with AEEEISU on my rack. Oh my God, how was I going to get through this? She had BROWH? on her rack. But I had the Q on a double word hotspot, so, I could use that. I tried to play off my E's and trying to maximize my points. So, I played EVE -- apparently I block a high play for her. I had no clue. I was just focused on the big points with the Q. She played HOWs for 22 points, and I had not seen that play and her out chance next turn. She had a 13-point lead by then and a chance to go out. So, she was going to get may be around 15 points. I needed a big play. I was going to play IS for 28 leaving EAU, but then saw AIS instead and played it for 30 points for a 17-point lead. She scored 10-points and got 4-points from my unplayed tiles for a 3-point loss! Phew!
bingos played - RAISONNE, MANACLE

Game 6 - KC
Yet another close game, but I would say she gifted it to me with two phony plays of DAMA* and RAMA*. It was ironic that after challenging them off, I myself played KAMA* and that stayed! The game had the prospects of a closed board right from the beginning. My MOWN and her UNZIPS played a part in it. I had TINNERS if she hadn't played the S on UNZIPS. Missed nice plays -- EXUVIA for 48 and REVUIST for 46 points. Her bingo and HILI took her to a 50-point lead. I thought hard about GAIETY but eventually didn't play it. It would have been a good play instead what I played, leaving a bad rack. I scored good points on the double word scores to gain slight lead of 7-points. This was where the match turned I think. She played REPOSED and DEPOSER for DAMA* and RAMA* hooks on two consecutive turns, and probably gave me a slight advantage with those freebies. I challenged them off the board duly and sat on a 50-point lead. But she had good tiles as well as a blank. So, she caught up soon. Her CHEW was great play, but I was lucky to have SOJA on triple for come back.  My tile tracking was perfect, and I managed to edge her out with an 8-point win.

Looking back at the game, if not for the TREK play, I would most likely have lost!

bingos played - CONGESTS
phonies - KAMA*

My end game was pretty good in the last two games (3-point and 8-point wins).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mountain View Sep scrabble, Sep 20

Now, Division C has become a regular division for me, which I am happy to be part of. I guess that is the fastest way to rise up if you manage to defeat higher seeded players.

Before the tournament, I was so busy at work, so my studying has been haphazard. I was quite busy otherwise as well with Mom coming the next day from India and swimming classes on the morrow. I almost did not go, but I decided that I was playing okay online, and that I should go and give it a try -- just enjoy myself and not worry about how I was gonna do.

Somehow, THAT worked out to be a charm. I guess the Tile Gods were happy too as I played 11 blanks out of 12 in 6 games and stayed undefeated. I was seeded 6 in a group of 6 and it was fun to have a 6-0 record. That record is fun anytime by the way. But after the 6-0 performance, still did not feel sated. Two reasons:

1. A month ago, I had come 3rd -- and there was no prize money for 3rd place. Now, I was told that was the new thing. Today, I came first and was hoping to make up for the previous round's loss. No luck. New tournament director, new rules. 3rd place got a prize, and 1st place cash prize wasn't that appealing. :) This was gonna be secondary as I was happy with 6-0 and was expecting close to 1400 or touching 1400. I came in with a rating of 1236, and was playing a field of 1300-1400.
2. Went home, typed in the results to see where I would end up -- 1356. Still a jump of 120 points, but somehow not too happy.

3 tournaments coming up in October - Berkeley in 2 weeks, Mountain View 2 weeks after that and the California Open two weeks later. Big October to look forward to!

I guess I need to brush up my 3's and 4's before that. I realized studying bingos helps in finding bingos. Before this tournament, I was just quizzing on 7-letter words randomly. Maybe that works -- not sure for how long. Of course, the Tile Gods had a big part to play. In the end, the trip was worthwhile. Much more than that. At least, feel ok to play in California open.

One thing that seems to be working is to take it one game at a time -- all players are good enough to comeback from a big deficit if you allow them to.

Things to improve:
challenging & bingos -- I did miss out on a few opportunities, and I let go a bunch of phonies that looked like, sounded like and were in fact phonies. :)

Game1 - Alan
Top seed vs. bottom seed. Tried a phony IDOLATE* early in the game and that got challenged off. I knew it was wrong but I had to try. After that, I seemed to be picking all the tiles at the right time. I had a comfortable lead. In the end, the margin was only 5 points, but after my response of blocking the triple after he had played MAILER for 41 points, I guess my feara eased. I guess I played carefully/smartly towards the end.

Game2 - Paula
INTERNS on turn 9 was probably the most crucial play in the close game. I almost missed it. Then she caught up again in 2 moves, but then I drew both the blanks. I was fishing for the bingo because I had two blanks -- missed an opportunity to play SCUTTLED, but found ENTITLED next move. Luckily she didn't have a bingo to close out. Ideal play would have been DOTTLES instead of ENTITLED.
bingos played: INTERNS, ENTITLED

Game3 - Jeannie
I started the game with REFRAIN, good find, was almost gonna play FAIRER. Glad I am taking just a little extra time to find the bingos. And there was no looking back from there. I should have challenged FEYS* -- I was almost sure that wasn't good. But almost wasn't enough and I let it go.
phonies: OVULI*, FEYS*

Game4 - Bennett
It was a close game, and I have to say I let it get close. He played CAUKERS* and I let it go because I wasn't very sure, and I knew it helped me get a bingo -- but could not find TRIHEDRA or RHETORIC. I basically wasted the phony play. I played PARVENU which Bennett challenged. I was surprised at the challenge, but that let me back in the game. It became a closed board after that, and a tactical blunder by Bennett in the end game let me win the game I think.
bingos played: CAUKERS*, PARVENU
phonies: CAUKERS*

Game5 - Pat
After playing BLASTIE, I drew the blank and it was smooth sailing overall. Each time Pat came close to my score, I got a bingo and went ahead. When I played TREATING, I was wondering if BRETTING* was good. BLETTING* is no good either. She didn't get any bingos down and what should have been a 100+ point win for me wass only 70+ points because of my tactical blunder of leaving a lone C on my rack!

Game6 - Bennett
I let a bunch of phonies stay on the board, also, played one myself and came out with a 70-pt win. Picked up the right tiles -- got a highe score with X in the beginning, and then got triple-word scores with J & Z. Bennett had a slow start but I had taken off by then with LOONIES. He played RESTROVE immediately after but that opened up a triple-word. I played JIBER, he played high-scoring PLOTZ but that again opened up a triple and I had the tiles to play ZEALOT. It was tough for him to catch up after that. Had I played VIOLONES instead of LOONIES, there wasn't probably a b ingo play for Bennett then. Later in the game, I missed BARENESS (as thinking about it but did not play it). Ideal play was to challenge CILLE* and play BARENESS. In the end, it was much easier than the first game.
phonies: CILLE*, ATAKE*, FARS*
bingos played: RESTROVE, LOONIES

Div. C again @ Mountain View - Aug 16

I was playing after my Berkeley high, and playing in one division higher.

Game1 - Paula
It was a close game that I lost to by a tactical mistake towards the end. Should have played ICE 14A, instead played 13I CIG. It would have still been a close game, but in this one, she closed it out carefully.

Game2 - TC
She got me with a high-play FUTZ towards the end, after which I couldn't recover, lost by 22 again.

Game3 - Tapani
After two close games, I got my first win for the day. Tapani started with a bingo DISPUTE. I matched it with RERAISE(D) and it was a close game until a few turns. On my 5th turn, I exchanged, and seemed to have drawn pretty well since then. In the end, he couldn't catch up.

Game4 - Bryan Goolsby
Bryan started with a phony UNFATED* which was duly challenged off. I found a nice find FRIGHTEN to run away in turn 5 with 84 points, and played KNAVE for 45 points on turn 6. With a healthy lead, I probably got carried away when I played DISTILED* on turn 7 which was challenged off. In the end, the margin was a close one, me winning by 25 points.

Game5 - Pat
Pat has been my nemesis for a few rounds now, and I let her off easily by not blocking the only bingo spot. It was a different matter that I had an orphan sitting on my rack. I had a handsome (from the standpoint of that day's games) lead of 22 which I should have protected probably in a closed board.

Game6 - Paula
I was playing Paula for a 3rd place finish. I got lucky drawing TELEX on the opening rack. And then a few more high scoring moves like QUAICH and AEDILES. In the end, it was a close game and the margin was 25 points.

It was all close games (kinda), and felt like I could beat them, and probably got rid of my nerves. Hopefully I should be better prepared for the next time. Hey, I do have a rating of 1600+ online, and my NASPA rating of 1225 doesn't do justice probably.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Looking for redemption at Berkeley, Jul 12

After my performance at Reno, I seriously wanted more, and wanted to do better. I went to Berkeley the next week while my memory was still fresh. And did some more studying, especially the bingos.

After so much bingo study, I finally got to play some of the words. ENDOSTEA and TENTORIA (won a challenge as well). I got a bye in one round, so, played only 5 games and ended on a somewhat satisfactory scoreline of 5-0. Berkeley seems to be turning out a lucky venue for me. Second win in 2 times, but the clean sweep was special. I took it one game at a time, and just played what I thought was my natural game. Also, improved on my challenges and word play. Did not arbitrarily play words that I thought might be good. I basically did not throw away my turns. Here are the games:






The 5-0 effort earned a 60pt rating jump -- more than I thought. That cheers me up for a bit. :)

Reno experience (Jul 4 wknd)

3.5days of scrabbling!! Can you imagine? Nothing but fun.. 

There was not much talking, just some serious playing -- and dinner/study at night. Lot of new faces as well.

Stayed at Sacramento on Thursday night (Jul 2nd night) and drove up Friday morning. Was at Reno until the tournament got over. My first visit to Reno, and oh my God, the place is so pretty -- I hadn't imagined that! Nice greenery around and the drive from Sacramento to Reno was pretty amazing as well. Really enjoyed it.

It's difficult to post comments for all the games, but I have uploaded them here:

Game1 bad start, almost top seed, now a good friend, had a close game considering he played a phony towards the end and I was a bingo away. 0-1

Game2 didn't get any better. Oh my.. 12yr old, let him play tons of phonies - NUMeRANT*, ZONKY*, DULA*. 0-2

Game3 Played Max. 0-3

Game4 Finally a win for me. 1-3 for the session. 1-3

Game5 I swear I gave this game away. Opened it up for her bingo towards the end. 1-4

Game6 Played a phony, got challenged off, got clobbered, not well played. 1-5

Game7 I was pretty much feeling very down and kinda given up. So, I was relaxed, at least. Started with FUrLIKE* (FLUKIEr and FLUnKIE are good) and got some more bingos down. Win another game finally. 2-5

Game8 Played Gloriosa before: knew she wasn't a strong opponent. Got some really nice bingos down. Overall, I played well also. Looking back, this was probably my best game of the tournament. Played the percentages right and thought a little harder for the bingos. 2-2 for the session. 3-5

End of day 1: 3-5 with a healthy spread thanks to my last two games of the day.

Game9 This was a close game: would have won the game had I seen INTeRACT towards the end. Bad start. 3-6

Game10 414 points without bingos or blanks -- rarely happens! Won the game. 4-6

Game11 Again 380 points without blanks/bingos. That too against a highly rated player. Well done. 5-6

Game12 My chance to win and make an even tally of wins & losses and end the session well. The opponent was rate 1507, but I came within 7 points. Would have won it had I seen ACINOSE. Also missed LIGHTEN. I didn't know both the words existed -- that's a different matter anyways. It would have been nice to win that game. Well, yet another 2-2 session and I end up: 5-7

Game13 Had a good find in LITTlIsh, but lost my way after that. Two consecutive challenges on FREEMEN and CURDY pretty much sealed my fate. 5-8

Game14 That's it, I had reached the max I wanted to lose: 8 games (to win the division; eventually the winner had 20-8 record). Couldn't lose any more. Ideally. In this game, I got lucky towards the end as I had an S and found a bingo with it. 6-8

Game15 This game was a real heartbreak. So close yet so far. I didn't see the SUN opening and he bingoed with SENIORS to pretty much seal the game. Ouch! 6-9

Game16 Easy opponent, easy win. 7-9

Not a bad scoreline to end day 2, but it could have been much better if things went my way. (Or if I played better ;) ) The spread was still good because my losses weren't too heavy. Among people with the same wins, I probably had the second highest spread. 12 more games and a long way before the tournament ended. Still lot more games to play and day 3 was crucial. Went out with Michael Stevens and his friends for dinner, woke up at 5 next morning and did some studying.

Game17 Was playing another high-rated player. Almost all my game, I was bracing for a bingo that never came. Won eventually by 120 points! Not a bad start for the day. Can I sustain it and have a good session though? 8-9

Game18 Nope, a huge loss by 100 points thanks to some strategical mistakes too me down to: 8-10

Game19 Oh man, would I love to play her again. She passed or exchanged for like 70% of her turns. Too bad I allowed her to finish off with a bingo. Won by 200+ points. 9-10

Game20 C'mon, get even with a win and a 3-1 session!!! Pat turned out to be my nemesis. Handed me a 140pt thumping. Incidentally this was the only game she won that day!! I think I played bad at crucial moments. My usual scoreline of 2-2 for the session. Not good. 9-11

For some reason, I didn't think she played phonies.. but she played PELETONS* early on. That sounded good but wasn't. And from then on, she got the wood on me. Disappointing loss. 9-12

Game22 Royal Thumping!! No other words to describe it. Lost by close to 200 points and almost all my spread advantage! 9-13

Game23 What a game!! Phew!! In the end, she handed it to me, but oh my God!, I got really lucky there. Reminded me of IIT days. 10-13

Eked out another close win, and rounded up one more, you guessed it right, 2-2 session. 11-13

End of day 3: Not really that bad. Just had to win the remaining 4 games on the last day. Michael(1520) was 13-11 and I thought maybe I could catch up with him.

Game25 Had prepared really well, got to the room like an hr in advance, and seemed to be doing all well until that ELATER blunder. Oh my! What a pathetic move, and I knew it even when I was playing it. So damn defensive! Suffered a really bad loss. Not a great start. 11-14

Game26 I was so pissed at myself. All that anger translated to a win. Only two more to go. 12-14

Game27 I got some good bingos and romped home. 13-14

Game28 After the previous two wins, and a close game that I should have won, I got complacent and received a well deserved whupping. Ended with a passable: 13-15

And wanting for MORE!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Division C @ Mountain View, Mar 19

We were kicked out of our old Santa Clara Round Table Pizza location (that location seemed to be pretty popular for kids & bday parties) and ended up at the Mountain View location (237 & El Camino Real). It was a smaller place, but more silent and less crowded. There was slightly lesser turnout at the new place, for whatever reason. Good for me, because I sneaked through to the higher division. For anyone who wants to rise on the ratings, this is a great opportunity -- you benefit from beating opponents ranked higher than you. So, it was a good opportunity.

I thought I faired reasonably well but I need to set my bar a little higher. I believe I can beat these guys. All my games were close ones - that is what I liked best about my round. I was always leading or close and always looked like winning. It is a different matter the result did not turn out in my favor. The thing I was most impressed with myself was the time management and tile tracking -- I think I have a formula that works! And it felt great towards the end-game.

It was my first time playing most of these people. So, it was a nice experience.

Game 1 - KC Top seed in the group. I gave her a good scare and we were pretty close until she drew a bingo late in the game, and I gave her a place to put the bingo down. I could have had a bingo as well, and played to give myself the chance but she got there before me. Her rating was 1488.

Game 2 - Henry After getting close in the first game, I felt I belonged in this division and was more confident. It was close game, and I managed to go out with a bingo RESINiNG. I probably drew nice tiles, I am not sure, but I thought did play well.

Game 3 - Alan I am not sure if I played Alan before, but he looked familiar. I don't know.. all the games were like a bingo away. This game wass probably a little further. I missed some bingos, at the same time I also got a 9-letter bingo down. :) It seemed like I was one move behind and couldn't catch up. Alan got the better of me.

Game 4 - Pat I played Pat before and then I got close to winning. This time, I won. I got ahead and she couldn't catch up. I got ahead with a nice bingo ASPIRIn, and later found another SCRIBeS in an obscure spot on the board. I missed a new word SWANNING towards the end. The only way Pat could come back (and I learnt from experience never to rile that out ever) was to get a bingo, and I was just trying to minimize that opportunity for her. I happened to win the game and hand her her first defeat for the day.

Game 5 - Paula It was again another close game. I thought Paula had it going for her towards the end but she was kind of short on time and missed out important opportunities to use her Q and ended up not being able to put the Q down. She had the Q & the U and just missed the scoring opportunities. I started the game off with a phony GLOWIER* which was luckily not challenged. It was her game to win, but she lost this one.

Game 6 - Pat I got this close to winning the game. Trailing in the end game, I got REFOREST down where I could have played FORESTER and won a challenge and played out. I didn't and I was too far behind. I let UNEAsED* stay on the board and that gave her the advantage early on in the game. I was happy to have found ORCINES# and it went unchallenged (correct spelling is ORCEINS). Could have won - if I had played better. :)

Funny thing is.. I am pretty excited about my performance at this tournament, even though I know I am a better player than my rating indicates. Lots more hard work to be put in. The thing that was most pleasing was the spreads: -72, +61, -48, +29, +31, -31. The cumulative spread put me in fourth place overall in my division.

Phonies on the board: PINER*, ORCINES#, GLOWIER*, UNEASED*.

# of moves - 13, 16, 15, 17, 16, 13
score - 392, 402, 379, 378, 395, 402
avg score - 391/26 (total score / score per move)